
The tool to manage all your Pomelo products.



The Dashboard will allow you to manage and address the most common needs of the products you have contracted. In many cases, you will be able to perform specific actions without needing to use APIs or have technical knowledge. This makes the Dashboard an accessible and key tool for business operations.

Dashboard setup

Access to the Dashboard is exclusive to our clients and all operators defined by them. You can access it using this URL.

To start using the Dashboard, you must first define who will have the Administrator role and provide us with their email address. This person will have access to view and manage all sections of the products they have contracted with Pomelo. Additionally, they will be responsible for creating new roles, defining the permissions for each role, and assigning them to the operators they create from the Administration section.

Another important point is that, to maximize Dashboard security, it is mandatory for every operator to configure a second method of authentication through a TOTP. To do this, you only need to have access to any TOTP app like Google Authenticator or Authy.


The Dashboard is composed of 6 sections that will allow you to manage and address the most common needs of the products you have contracted.