To use our Tokenization solution, it is necessary to have card issuing and transaction processing services contracted.

Tokenization and digital wallets

Integration with digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.


The tokenization process is used in payment systems to protect sensitive card information by replacing it with an identifier (token) that is used during the transaction, eliminating the need to expose the actual card information.



Currently, our Tokenization solution is available for Mastercard credit, debit, or prepaid cards, with variations depending on the country as follows:

Google Pay
for Android devices
Apple Pay
for iOS devices

Benefits of Tokenization

🛡️SecurityIt protects sensitive information by replacing it with a unique identifier. This limits the usability of the information in case of theft, helping to reduce costs associated with fraud.
🔐PrivacyIt helps safeguard the privacy of your customers by keeping sensitive information out of the reach of merchants and other third parties.
💁‍♀️ConvenienceTokens are used to facilitate transactions without manually entering all the details of a card, which speeds up and streamlines the payment process.
💪🏼FlexibilityIt is available for various platforms and devices. Additionally, tokens can be canceled or updated if needed, ensuring constant access to that information for your customers.


  1. When adding a card to a digital wallet, sensitive information is encrypted and stored in a secure location, commonly known as a token vault.
  2. Encryption is a process of encoding data to make it unreadable for unauthorized individuals. Simply put, encryption takes sensitive information and encodes it in such a way that it can only be deciphered with a secret key.
  3. A unique token is generated and associated with the encrypted information. This token acts as a substitute for the sensitive information and is used for transactions.
  4. When a transaction is initiated, the token is used instead of the original sensitive information. The token travels to the merchant and/or payment processor, who then uses it to complete the transaction.
  5. The token is decrypted by the card brand (the only entity that can do so), who then provides us with all the transaction information.

Keep reading about Tokenization

Frequenty asked questions

What information is stored in the token generated during the tokenization process?
A unique code used to identify and authorize transactions without exposing sensitive card data.

Is it safe to use tokenization in the payment process?
Yes, tokenization is an additional security measure that helps protect card data and cardholder information during transactions.

What are the advantages of using tokenization in the payment process?
Tokenization enhances card data security, reduces the risk of fraud, and simplifies the payment process by eliminating the need to share actual card information during transactions.

What are Apple Pay and Google Pay?
They are mobile payment services that allow users to make secure purchases using a mobile device.

Where can Apple Pay and Google Pay be used for payment?
They can be used at a wide range of establishments that accept contactless payments, including physical stores, online stores, and applications.

What happens if a customer loses their device with Apple Pay or Google Pay set up?
Contact our CX team ([email protected]) to request the blocking of the tokens associated with their card.

What is the validity period for the OTP code in Manual provisioning?
The OTP code is valid for up to 30 minutes. After that time, the code will be invalid, and you will need to repeat the process.

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