Issuing cards

Discover our regional solution for designing, issuing, and distributing all types of cards.


Discover our solution for issuing and distributing all types of cards, whether nominated, innominated, virtual, physical, with horizontal or vertical design.

At Pomelo, we partner with leading global brands such as VISA and Mastercard so that you can offer prepaid, debit, or credit cards to your users, subject to compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.

Types of Cards

According to processing and transactional rail

Functions with a preloaded balance.Functions with the balance of an account opened in a regulated institution.Transactions are authorized against an available balance.
Transactions are processed through credit rails in regards to card brands.Your customer pays for approved and presented purchases on a periodic basis.

According to presentation

Used for making payments at physical stores, withdrawing cash from ATMs, and making online purchases.Primarily intended for use in e-commerce.
Must be physically presented at the time of transactions.Generated active and associated with your customer.
Generally issued in plastic, although you can choose other materials.Issued upon request.

According to printed data

In addition to the card number and data, it is printed with the name of the cardholder.Printed with the card numbers and data, but not with the name of the cardholder.
Must be associated with the customer at the time of creation and activated when the customer receives it.Must be associated with the customer at the time of activation.
Manufactured and personalized upon request.It is possible to print batches of innominated cards and have them stored and ready for delivery when needed.

Pre-personalization and personalization

Card issuance is divided into three major stages:

We guide and accompany you in designing your cards. This stage is a requirement to proceed to pre-personalization.We manufacture the cards and print the art you have defined. At this stage, the cards have no functionality and cannot be used anywhere.We encode each card with all sensitive and electrical information, such as the name of the cardholder (in the case of nominated cards), the expiration date, and the security code. The chip is also inserted at this stage.
🥳 Once the personalization stage is completed, the card is ready for your customer to activate and use it anywhere in the world.

Card Distribution

At Pomelo, we offer you the possibility to work with 3 distribution modalities.

We take care of sending the card to each of your customers' addresses. We will create a shipment for each requested nominated card from your users.You issue batches of innominated cards, and we deliver them to the address you indicate. For each issued batch, we will generate a shipment. Then, you are responsible for delivering the cards to your end users.You issue batches of innominated cards that we send and securely store at our logistics partner's storage center. As your users request cards, we send them, deducting them from your stock. A shipment will be generated for each requested innominated card.
Discover which states the shipments pass through and what each one means in this article.

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