
Discover this functionality to make multiple presentations associated with the same authorization.

Multiclearing purchases

Multiclearing is a feature offered by the card networks (Visa and Mastercard) in which the acquirer can make multiple presentations associated with the same authorization.

In the transactional process, usually one authorization corresponds to one presentation, but in this case, one authorization can have multiple associated presentations.

It is used, for example, when an e-commerce has a shopping cart and your customers can group products from different sellers. Instead of making a separate authorization for each product, a single authorization is made for the entire cart and then a presentation is made for each product.

Another very common case is airlines, when your customers buy more than one ticket they can make a presentation for each purchased ticket. Multiclearing can also occur for installment transactions.

Example case

Day 1
  • A customer makes a purchase on an e-commerce site that sells products from multiple sellers
  • The e-commerce sends us an authorization request for the total amount of the purchase (for example, USD 80).
  • We request authorization for the transaction from you.
  • If you approve the transaction, the products are sent to the user.
Day 2
  • We receive a presentation for one of the products in the cart for an amount of 30 USD.
  • We process that presentation as partial and do not make a credit adjustment for the difference.
  • The presentation is saved and recorded in the reports as a partial presentation, linked to the original authorization.
Day 3
  • We receive a presentation for another product in the cart, with an amount of 50 USD.
  • We processed this presentation as final (it comes from the flag with an end mark).
  • We compare the sum of the amounts of both presentations with the amount of the original authorization.
  • If the amounts match, we do not make any adjustments. If the amounts do not match, we make an adjustment to compensate for the difference between the sum of the presentation amounts and the authorized amount.
Our multiclearing process allows for authorizing and processing a purchase with one authorization and managing partial and final presentations related to that purchase.


Multiclearing is a basic functionality of our processor and you don't need to do anything additional to implement it.

When reconciling, you will see in the presentation reportmore than one presentation assigned to the original authorization. In this report, you will see the presentation as partial.

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