Creating cards

We tell you how to create nominated and innominated cards for your clients using our APIs.


We tell you how to interact with our APIs to create and distribute nominated and innominated cards.

Card status

The different states that a card can go through are:

CREATEDIndicates that the card is not yet active and therefore cannot be used. This state is exclusive to physical cards.
EMBOSSEDThe card is in the personalization process. This state is exclusive to physical cards.
ACTIVEThis state indicates that the card can already be used for transactions. Virtual cards are born in this state.
BLOCKEDThe card cannot be used until it is re-enabled.
DISABLEDThe card has been deactivated and cannot be used again. It is a final state.
EXPIREDThe card has exceeded its expiration date and cannot be used again. It is a final state.

In this chart, we can see the states of a card and the possible transitions:

States of a card

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