Rejection Notifications

Receive real-time information about your customers' rejected transactions.


This functionality will allow you to receive real-time rejection notifications via webhook of transactions rejected by Pomelo and notify your customers so they can retry the operation.

For example, if a customer enters the card's CVV incorrectly, you could send them a message that takes them to the details of their virtual card.


These are the events that we will notify you via webhook:

Stand-In Brand (120)OTHER
Invalid messaging formatMISSING_FIELDS
Invalid expiration dateINVALID_EXPIRATION_DATE
Invalid amountINVALID_AMOUNT
Invalid transactionINVALID_TRANSACTION
Transaction not permittedTRANSACTION_NOT_PERMITTED
Suspected fraudREJECTED_FRAUD
Exceeded the card PIN triesPIN_TRY_LIMIT_EXCEED
Client not availableCLIENT_UNAVAILABLE
Internal Pomelo errorINTERNAL_ERROR
Non-existent cardCARD_NOT_FOUND
Card not configuredCARD_NOT_CONFIGURED
Inactive cardCARD_NOT_ACTIVE


Find out how to configure your rejection webhooks in this article.

Merchant advice code

This functionality is designed to provide acquirers and merchants with information so they do not make multiple retries to process an operation, saving costs of failed transactions. In addition, by obtaining this data in real time, they can contact users to offer them a solution to complete the operation successfully. 😉

Use cases

Insufficient fundsWe ask the acquirers to try again later. If we inform the customer that the operation failed due to lack of funds, they could deposit money and the next attempt would be successful.
Expired cardWe inform the acquirers not to try processing the transaction again and to obtain the new card details.
Card paused or disabledWe inform the acquirers not to try processing the transaction again as the card is not enabled.


What types of notifications do we send?

We only send rejection notifications. That is, all notifications with the status REJECTED.

Are retries made for these webhooks?

Yes. If your response is different from HTTP Status 200, the notification is re-enqueued and retried every 10 minutes for the next 4 days.

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