Incremental authorizations

Discover this functionality to perform multiple authorizations associated with a single presentation.


Incremental authorizations is a feature offered by Visa and Mastercard in which the acquirer can perform multiple authorizations associated with a single presentation.

In the transactional cycle, usually one authorization corresponds to one presentation, but in this case, several authorizations are associated with a single presentation.

Let's see an example:

A person goes to a hotel and makes a reservation for 2 nights for USD 100. On the second night, they decide to stay one more night. At that moment, a second authorization for USD 50 will be generated. Then, these operations will be settled in a single presentation of USD 150, which will be associated with the first authorization with the original_transaction_id field.

If there is a difference between the presentation and the sum of the incremental authorizations, we will calculate the difference and make a credit or debit adjustment accordingly.


Incremental authorizations is a basic feature of our processor and you do not need to do anything additional.

When reconciling, you will see in the presentation report you will see the associated_transaction field. This field shows all authorizations associated with the same presentation.

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