Expired Authorizations

Discover the process of refunding when the deadline to present a transaction expires.


Merchants or acquirers have a specific deadline to present an approved transaction. If they fail to do so, we use an internal process to refund the money or credit limit to the users who made those transactions.

Expiration deadlines

STANDARD transactionsThe process of expired authorizations is activated when the 7-day deadline to present the transaction expires. In other words, on day 8.
PREAUTH transactionsThe process of expired authorizations is activated when the 30-day deadline to present the transaction expires. In other words, on day 31.
If they present the transaction after that time, we will debit the amount from your customers through a debit adjustment

Example case

Day 1
  • A user makes a purchase at a pharmacy.
  • We request authorization for the transaction.
    You approve the transaction.
  • Due to a problem with the delivery, the user does not receive the products and the merchant does not issue a refund or return. The merchant or acquirer allows the transaction to expire.
Day 8 (for standard transactions) or day 31 (for preauth transactions)
  • We review all pending authorizations that were not presented.
  • We find the unpresented authorization and issue a refund using the Adjustments APIFor debit or prepaid card operations, you will have to issue the credit. For credit card operations, you will have to leave the balance in favor on the statement.


It is a basic functionality of our processor and you only need to have ourAdjustments APIintegrated.

Through this API, you will receive refunds for these unpresented authorizations. The field that will help you identify these operations is source with the value PURGE.


  • No type of refund can be rejected.
  • If you need to modify the transaction expiration times, contact our CX team.

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