The Cost Inquiry functionality is only available for 🇨🇴Colombia.

Cost Inquiry

Your clients will be able to check the cost of making a cash withdrawal from an ATM.


We comply with the mandate of the Superintendence of Finance of Colombia, informing your clients of the cost of making a cash withdrawal from an ATM each time they check it.


Cost inquiry flow

  1. Your client goes to an ATM and selects the option "Check the cost of a withdrawal".
  2. The ATM receives the withdrawal cost request and communicates it to the card network.
  3. The card network receives the withdrawal cost request and informs us.
  4. We receive that transaction and validate the withdrawal cost.
  5. We respond with the predefined cost of the withdrawal to the card network and save the transaction.
  6. The card network transmits the withdrawal cost to the ATM.
  7. The ATM shows the cost of the withdrawal to your client.
  8. The client obtains the cost of the cash withdrawal and decides whether or not to proceed with the operation.


Cost query is a basic functionality of our processor for Colombia and you don't need to do anything extra to support it.

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