Limit and Available Balance

Define the limits for your clients' operations and how the available balance is replenished.

Credit Line Limit

Credit cards can have a single limit for any type of operation or independent limits for each type of transaction. You can configure the one you want by defining the type of the limits field when you create your product.

These are the possible combinations:

Limit for one-time purchases + Limit for installment purchases + limit for cash advances
The limit for one-time purchases and the limit for installment purchases are managed independently, however the limit for cash advances is part of the limit for one-time purchases.
Limit for purchases + Limit for cash advances
The limit for cash advances is a percentage of the limit for purchases.

For each type of limit, you will need to define a minimum value (from the min field) and a maximum value (from the max field).

Available Balance

The available balance of the credit card determines the maximum amount that can be authorized according to all processed operations, charges, and payments.

Events that affect the available balance

  • Expenses related to the use of the credit card, including cash advances, purchases, and installment purchases.

  • Transaction authorizations.

  • Interest, taxes, fees, and any other expenses that may be incurred with the card.

  • Contracted loans, including bill refinancing.
  • Bill payments, bonuses, and purchase refunds.
  • A credit event increases the available balance of the card, while a debit event decreases it.

    Replenishment of the available balance

    Control of available balance replenishment

    When creating the credit line, you can define what available balance replenishment model you will offer to your clients. Among these options:

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