Closing and due date

Define the closing and due dates for your product that best fit your business.

Billing cycle

A billing cycle is a specific period of time in which all transactions made with a credit card, as well as other charges and payments associated with the account, are accumulated. During this period, all purchases, cash withdrawals, interests, fees, and other movements are recorded on the cardholder's account.

Billing cycle

Cut-off Date

The cut-off, closing, or billing date of a credit card is the specific day of the month when the billing cycle ends. During the billing cycle, all transactions made and presented are recorded and accumulated to generate the statement for that period.

Due Date

The due date or payment date for the billing cycle of a credit card is the final deadline to make the payment without incurring late fees.

At Pomelo, credit card billing periods are monthly. You can set the due dates for your product to any date between the 1st and the 28th. The cut-off date is configured as a number of days before the due date.

You will then need to set a due date for each customer in the credit line. You can modify the due date until the line changes to ACTIVE status.

If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, it will automatically move to the next business day.

First closing date

To offer a better experience, when you create your product, you can define the number of days that should exist between the activation of the line of credit and the first closing date. This is done by configuring the minimum_days_until_first_closing_date field.

This way, if there are fewer than a certain number of days between the activation date and the first closing date, the first closing will move to the following month.

Let's see an example:

Defined closing date20
Days until first closing10
Activation dateMay 15th

For this user, the closing date should be May 20th. However, since the configured days until the first closing are 10, and there are only 5 days between May 15th and May 20th, the first closing date for this user will be June 20th. This date corresponds to the next billing period.

closing first

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