Fraud prevention and management

Discover the critical moments in fraudulent processes and the support we offer you at Pomelo.

Main risks in financial businesses

In this training, we will tell you about the most frequent risks in financial businesses, what we do at Pomelo to prevent them, and how we will support you in case any of them occur.

In this flow, we detail the different risks according to the different stages in the processes of financial service companies:

What support do we provide at Pomelo?

At Pomelo, we take security very seriously in our solutions. We have the experience, staff, tools, and processes necessary to prevent and resolve these cases in the most effective way. Therefore, we have designed two services to offer support in the fundamental instances of fraud cases:

  • Prevention strategy

At Pomelo, we will guide you to prevent the main risks. We have tools and processes that allow you to automatically block certain types of transactions and define limits on amount and quantity. For more information, access the training Prevention strategy.

  • Chargeback management

In case of any fraud situation, we have a specialized team that will assist you throughout the process of your dispute with the brand network. Learn more about this topic in the training Chargeback management.

Our specialists have recovered up to 85% of the chargebacked operations.

In this graph, we identify with a green check mark the stages in which you can count on our support:

StageDescription of support
Identity theftIn cases of identity theft in the account creation process. We will provide support in cases of identity theft in the account creation process if you have our Identity solution.
Restricted individualsWe will give you the possibility to customize your own block lists to prevent access by undesirable clients.
Passthrough accountWe will guide you to define regulatory limits for incoming money.
Sanction listsYou will be able to configure your block lists for merchants, countries, users, and merchant categories (MCCs).
Chargeback or disputeWe will handle all the management of your chargebacks. Our specialized team will take care of the entire process to reduce the operational burden this could represent for you. Learn more about this topic in the training Chargeback management.
Unknown transactionOur team will carry out the relevant analyzes to define whether it is a case of fraud, and if confirmed, we will begin a claim to the receiving entity.

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