
We'll handle authorizing transactions for your prepaid and debit cards through a digital account.


You can use our Balance Authorizer to delegate authorization of transactions for your prepaid and debit cards.

We'll manage the available balance and handle transaction authorizations.


Currently, our Balance Authorizer solution is available in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.

How does the Authorizer work?

The authorizer allows managing the approval of transactions for prepaid and debit cards through a digital account. For this, you'll need to create the account associated with the card, which will be responsible for maintaining the available balance.

The authorizer will have the capability to receive the card transaction, check the status of the linked account and its balance, to approve or reject the transaction as appropriate.

Creating the digital account

The first step to delegating us the authorization of card transactions is to create a digital account. You must proactively create the account through a request to our APIs.

To create an account, you must have previously created the user. It can be a User (individual person) or a Company (legal entity user).

Upon receiving the request for creating the account, we will validate that you meet this condition and if everything is correct, we will return the account creation ID in the response to the request.

Account attributes

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